Return to who you truly are - Heal your life (Self Study)
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This extremely practical course helps you to heal pain, suffering and lack in your life by helping you to heal the separation within you, return to wholeness and through that create peace and harmony, health and abundance in your life.
Manoelle van der Straten, Belgium
Course participant November 2021
Course details:
What is included:
The course is a six week course, which consists of:
1. Daily video teachings and experiential exercises that provide practical portals into returning to living from within your True Self.
1. Daily video teachings and experiential exercises that provide practical portals into returning to living from within your True Self.
Who is the course for:
The course is for anyone who would like to end pain, suffering and lack in their life through shifting out of separation into oneness in order to create wholeness and peace in their inner world and thereby manifest a life of peace, joy, love, harmony and abundance in their outer world.
What does the course aim to do:
• Identify and explain the root cause of your suffering – the separation from who you truly are.
• Fundamentally change your consciousness and awareness by guiding you to shift out of the ego/separated self into the I am/the oneness
consciousness that you truly are.
• Provide practical ways to let go of your identification as an ego-identity/a separated character with the story that you have lived so far.
• Guide you to identify and heal the elements in you that are causing the separation and keeping the separation alive in order to bring them
into the awareness of the I am consciousness to be healed and dissolved.
• Help you to move fully into knowing yourself to be your True Self and become whole and complete.
• Fundamentally change your consciousness and awareness by guiding you to shift out of the ego/separated self into the I am/the oneness
consciousness that you truly are.
• Provide practical ways to let go of your identification as an ego-identity/a separated character with the story that you have lived so far.
• Guide you to identify and heal the elements in you that are causing the separation and keeping the separation alive in order to bring them
into the awareness of the I am consciousness to be healed and dissolved.
• Help you to move fully into knowing yourself to be your True Self and become whole and complete.
How is it structured?
The course runs for 6 weeks and consists of daily videos that teach the principles and provide instructions on the practical application of the teaching. The experiential exercises provide portals into the oneness.
Every seven days there is a day to pause, integrate or to catch up.
Every seven days there is a day to pause, integrate or to catch up.
What is the time commitment?
The time commitment is between 10 to 30 minutes each day depending on the topic. There is a daily video recording, and/or an experiential exercise and/or a pdf with quotes.
We do not go to Heaven after we die; we awaken to Heaven when we have completely relinquished the ego.
A Course in Miracles
Course outline:
Part 1: Understanding the root cause of your suffering and establishing a base in your essential self
Days 1-5:
Introduction and experiential exploration into the root cause of your suffering.
Days 6-13:
Journey into your essential self – the I am awareness. Teachings about and exploration of who you truly are.
Part 2: Bringing darkness into light – identifying, healing and dissolving the separation
Days 15-21:
Dealing with fear, anger, lack and negative thoughts.
Days 22-29:
How healing is accomplished; dealing with grievances, resentments, un-forgiveness, defence and attack.
Part 3: Learning to be guided and the last stand of the separated self
Days 30-39:
Resting in stillness, listening, being guided and life as your essential self.