
Are you ready to heal your life?

We are here to help you to heal anxiety, conflict, pain, suffering or lack in your life, by guiding you to be whole again. 

Choose from one of our courses, workshops, coaching or Compassion Key healing facilitations to start your journey of transformation.

Join our free "The Path of Awakening" book club to read and discuss books about healing through living from higher levels of consciousness.

Our courses


"INNER PEACE" Meditation Circle

Our Meditations

Return to who you truly are -
Heal your life

This extremely practical course helps you to heal pain, suffering, worry, stress and lack in your life by helping you to heal the separation within you, return to wholeness and through that create a life of love, peace, harmony, health and abundance.

Who we truly are - each one of us -  is happy, confident, joyful, loving, healthy, abundant, whole and complete.

This is our natural state but so often we have become separated from who we truly are resulting in us leading a life of conflict, worry, pain, suffering, ill-health or lack.

We think we need to fix ourselves, our external circumstances or the people around us in order to become happy and fulfilled. This can result in more conflict and disappointment and add to our sense of frustration.

True healing starts when we recognise that our external reality is just a mirror of our inner world and that the root of the problem is not that we are defective in some way or victims of a world we can't control, but that we have become separated from our True Self and that it's that SEPARATION that is causing the difficulties.

Once we realise this all that is needed is for us to heal the separation and to return to who we truly are; to know ourselves and live as the 'I am' consciousness/the awareness that we truly are.

When we live from that place we are in balance and our external reality cannot but move into balance and wholeness as well.

This is what this course guides you to do.

A journey of coming home

A six week transformational journey that will shift your consciousness and heal conflict, lack, pain and suffering in your life.

Practical portals into wholeness

Daily lessons and experiential exercises that provide portals into the I am consciousness - your True Self.

A unique spiritual curriculum

Concepts from 'A course in Miracles', Buddhism, Taoism, psychotherapy and teachings of non-duality brought together to create a unique spiritual curriculum.

‘Return to who you truly are - heal your life’ was exceptional in every way, a perfect blend of expert information, experiential exercises and Martina’s compassionate support at all times.
It allowed me to go fully to my true self with ease and gave me much needed and priceless truths that I am benefitting from and loving every day. I feel more connected with everything within me and around me and it is the most wonderful feeling. I cannot recommend this course or Martina highly enough.

Lou, Surbiton, UK
Course participant January 2022
Watch this video to Find out more...

Let me tell you a bit more about the course...

Write your awesome label here.

I have never studied anything like this before. The course content was exceptional. It was intense, as an everyday activity was expected, but it didn’t feel rushed. The platform is intuitive and delivery from Martina is fabulous. I have integrated the learning into my everyday and will be encouraging others to attend.

Rachel Murphy, UK
Course participant January 2022

Start your journey now

The journey isn’t about becoming anything. It’s about un-becoming everything that isn’t really you so that you can be who you truly are!
Martina Bilmayer

Be your True Self -
live a healed life

Having returned to being who you truly are this course guides you to deepen being in the 'I am' consciousness to fully live a healed life of peace, harmony, joy, love and abundance.

Let go of any residual identification with your separated self to fully step into oneness and live a deep sense of peace, harmony, joy and love.

This course is coming soon....

Deepen being your True Self

A tweleve week transformational journey that will guide you to release and heal any residual sense of separation and root you deeply in the consciousness of who you truly are.

Practical guidance to be in oneness

 Weekly lessons and experiential exercises that guide you to fully step into oneness and live a deep sense of peace, harmony and wholeness.

Community and connection

Thirteen live calls (once per week) plus a private WhatsApp group to ask questions, to connect with me and other participants and to share your experiences.

A unique spiritual curriculum

Concepts from 'A course in Miracles', Buddhism, Taoism, psychotherapy and teachings of non-duality brought together to create a unique spiritual curriculum.

Next start date: To be confirmed

Healing Through Autism

A twelve week, one on one, individually tailored, transformational course for parents of children with special needs.

Twelve experiential exercises and twelve one-to one live sessions  with me in which we look in detail at your situation, the specific challenges you and your child are facing to guide you into a place of peace, calm, connectedness and joy.

Are you a parent of a child with special needs? Are you stressed, do you feel exhausted, does life seem to be on top of you?  Do you find many of your child’s traits and behaviours challenging? Are you desperate for things to change but you are not sure where to start?

Then this is the course for you!

Parenting a child on the spectrum can be extremely challenging.

True relief and healing starts when you find effective ways of addressing your child’s difficulties in a way that facilitates lasting change, so that you, your child and the whole family can move from overwhelm, stress and pain into a place of  peace, harmony, calm and joy.

This is what this course guides you to do.

Address the root cause of difficult behaviours

Look in detail at the issues/situations/interactions/behaviours that are problematic and address them in a way that facilitates lasting change.

Release your own difficult feelings

Deal with and work through the difficult feelings that get triggered in you by your child's difficulties.

Calm your child's nervious system

Be guided to parent in a way that calms your child's nervous system so that your child can begin to learn to regulate their feelings better and move from living in fight or flight into a state of relaxation and openness to learn and grow.

Deepen your connection

Put in place the fundamentals that create shared experiences and deepen emotional connection between you and your child in order to tap into their own motivation to grow and change and create an environment in which your child's true potential can be unlocked.
It is the consistent  "meeting our child where they are at" that leads to consistent change and growth.
Martina Bilmayer
Watch the video for more information

Let me tell you a bit more about the course...

Write your awesome label here.

Start your journey now:

Other services we offer:


We offer transformational short workshops.

Sign up to our newsletter for more information and to be notified of the next ones coming up.

Transformational coaching

Is there a situation or a specific issue that you are facing in your life that you would like to overcome?
I offer one to one transformational coaching to help you create the change that you are seeking.

Contact me for more information about my packages.

Compassion Key facilitations

As a Compassion Key Facilitator I offer one to one compassion key healing sessions that are individually tailored to address the exact difficulties that you are facing.

Contact me for more information and to book a session.

About me:

My background is in psychotherapy and I am also a Compassion Key Facilitator. I have over 14 years experience helping people heal emotional pain and difficult life situations.

I live and breathe my work and healing is my passion which is why I have explored many paths and approaches to healing over the past 20 years.

This has led me to realise that we may believe we have a lot of different problems to solve in order to live happy and fulfilled lives, in TRUTH we only have ONE and that is the separation from who we truly are.

When we realise this and return to who we truly are everything falls into place.

Having gone through the journey of returning to my essential Self and having experienced the transformation that this brings as well as having helped others to do the same I am now in a position to be able to offer courses that are truly transformational based on my own journey an
d those that I have guided others to take.

My work with parents of children with special needs is based on my own experience of raising a child on the spectrum and my experience of working with parents of children with special needs over the past 10 years. Having gone on this journey and having helped many others I would be delighted to help you to do the same.

I work with people from many different backgrounds and walks of life both in the UK and globally.

If you would like to find out more about my psychotherapy practice and about having psychotherapy with me please visit: www.martinabilmayercounselling.co.uk


What our clients say about us:

I had the chance to experience "Return to who you truly are - Heal your life" with Martina.

I am a personal development professional as I help my clients get out of burnout and move on with their lives.
Having gone through a painful separation, despite my tools, I could not get out of the conflicts. I really needed help to connect with who I really am. I wanted help to understand that we are all intimately connected, that nothing happens to us by chance and all is already whole.

"Return to who you truly are" helped me to resolve some major conflict once and for all. I learned to raise my consciousness. I have been able to find peace, serenity and an incredible confidence in myself, in the invisible world (let's call it the Universe) and with my Guides.

Martina has been a wonderful, supportive and comforting coach to me.
I have been able to open a portal with "Return to who you truly are" and I am entering a new phase of my life with serenity and confidence.

Those six weeks s are over, and now everything begins. It is extraordinary. I can't wait for the next part.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you Martina. Thank you to the Universe for bringing you on to my path.

Manoëlle van der Straten – Belgium
This 'Healing Through Autism' workshop with Martina was so helpful.

As a parent of a child with autism she helped me to understand so many vital ways to understand, connect with and help my son.

Her compassion, understanding and knowledge are so evident that I felt safe trusting her with my feelings.  Her knowledge of emotions and the state that our children on the autistic spectrum can get into makes total sense of their needs and behaviour which is so refreshing. She helped me to feel so much more empowered to help my son to the next level.

It's like coming home in terms of being cared for, being understood and receiving teaching on how to get to where you want to be.

I cannot recommend working with Martina enough, either via courses, workshops or on a one-to-one basis.
Sally, West Sussex, UK
Martina's experienced guidance and compassionate clarity has supported me into a new terrain of embodiment and joy.
 I am grateful for what I have been able to connect to and integrate through our work together. 

She shares an elegant balance of intuition and discernment with practical, knowledgeable experience of the deeper layers of the human heart and psyche.  Thank you Martina!
Christine, New Mexico, USA

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